Apply For A Pennsylvania Building Permit

What is the process for getting a building permit in Pennsylvania?

To get your building permit, you will need to file an application with the Building Department in the Pennsylvania town or city where you’ll be performing the work. You will also need to submit drawn plans of the proposed construction with your application and pay the permit fee. Your local Building Department will review the application and plans, get all the relevant departments to sign off on it, and then either issue your permit or return your application to you for amendment. Once you have your permit, you are ready to start building! Keep in mind that you must get your building permit before any construction in Pennsylvania can begin.

In Pennsylvania, when is a building permit not required?

Building regulations are set by your local municipality and can vary throughout the state of Pennsylvania. Some towns may require a permit for certain work while others do not. However, generally you will not need a permit for any finishing work such as painting, carpeting, and tiling, nor will you need a permit for ordinary repairs. Depending on where you are, you may not need to get a permit for fences, small swimming pools, hanging gutters, roof replacement, siding, and drywall repairs. If you are not sure whether you need a permit, check with your local Building Department in Pennsylvania as doing work without a required permit can subject you to fines and penalties.

What other types of construction permits will I need in Pennsylvania?

Depending on the nature of your project in Pennsylvania, you may need additional permits besides the basic building permit. For example, if your project involves electrical work, you will also need to get an electrical permit. Other common permits for building projects including plumbing permits, mechanical and HVAC permits for heating and ventilation systems, fire alarm permits, and fire suppression system permits. Some projects such as swimming pools, driveways, and decks have their own permits that you will need to apply for too. Normally you will apply for all the necessary permits when you file your building permit application.

Will my project in Pennsylvania need to be inspected?

Yes, most projects will have to undergo inspection at least once and larger projects will normally have several inspections done throughout the course of construction. You will be given a list and timetable of required inspections when you receive your building permit. It is generally your responsibility to schedule the necessary inspections with the city building inspector in Pennsylvania where the project is taking place.  


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