Apply For A Building Permit Alaska

What kinds of projects need building permits in Alaska?

Usually you will need a permit for any construction or structural changes to your house, as well as all electrical, mechanical, or plumbing work that is more than regular maintenance. You may also need a building permit for additions such as storage sheds, fences, and decks depending on their size. It is possible that a single project may require multiple permits to cover all the work done, such as a building permit for the structure and an electrical permit for the electrical work. Merely cosmetic changes like painting and interior nonstructural remodeling do not require a permit. In addition to building permits, some additions and changes to the current structure of a building will require a land use permit too.

Some cities have a general building permit application, whereas others have separate permit applications for project type or for the different phases of construction. Not all cities have forms on their site and might only list a contact and phone number.

Where do I apply for a building permit?

Building permits in Alaska are issued by the city where the work will take place. Most cities have a specific department that will issue building permits and land use permits. In Anchorage this is handled by the Department of Development Services, in Juneau it is the Community Development Department, while in Fairbanks it is the Building Department. You can find out where to apply for a permit in your city by visiting your city’s website via the links above. Most cities in Alaska now have the application available online.

What information is typically required for the building permit application?

The type of information needed depends on what type of permit you are applying for. Generally you will need to give the names and contact information for the applicant, owner, contractor, architect, and engineer for the project, when applicable. You will also need to classify and describe the work to be carried out, as well as the estimated value of the work in order to determine the permit fee.

Is there any documentation required for the permit application to be processed?

Yes, typically you will need to submit drawn plans of the work to be completed. Some permits for new buildings and additions also require soil engineer reports and engineering calculations. A list of all the documentation needed will be detailed on the application form for the permits you require.  



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