Apply For A Business License Medford, Oregon

How do I apply for a business license in Medford, Oregon?

All businesses operating within the city limits of Medford are required to obtain a City of Medford Business License. The application can be downloaded by clicking on the link provided.

The application can then either be mailed or delivered in person to the City of Medford, Finance Department, 411 W. 8th Street, Medford, OR 97501-3188. You should expect the processing of the license to take at least three weeks.

What are the business license fees for commercial-based businesses in Medford?

A commercial-based business license annual fee is $100.

What are the business license fees to operate a home-based businesses in Medford?

Those who operate a home-based business will be charged $60.

What are the general fees for business licenses in Medford?

There is a $40 fee for those who require a temporary business license, which is good for up to 60 days. Fees are renewed annually on anniversary month and a $25 late fee is issued if the payment is received after the expiration date. Businesses operating without a business license are subjected to the applicable penalties.

What information is needed to fill out a Medford business license application?

The following information will be needed when filling out a Medford business license application:

  • Contact information for owner and business
  • Intended start date of business
  • Square footage of business
  • Number of employees
  • Description of business activity


Click the link to your city below to apply for a business license

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Portland Springfield

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